Let's Talk DIY Perfume!

If I counted how many times in my life I spent upwards of $60 on a bottle of perfume or cologne during holiday season....eeek, lets not even add it up! Its funny; the smell of a department store perfume counter used to be so alluring. Over the past 7 or 8 years I have been very intentional about treating my body well, avoiding harsh chemicals and filling myself with fresh whole foods. Now, when I walk past a perfume counter its more like running before I feel the urge to choke. I know that sounds a bit dramatic but if we were all made aware of the dirty little secrets behind the perfume industry I’m doubtful we would choose to wear them. Hidden behind their pleasant scents are typically chemicals that are linked to allergies, hormone disruption, reproductive problems and even cancer. In my teenage years you would have caught me with perfume in my locker, my purse, and even an extra bottle in my car! You could say my interest in my own health and wellness has changed a bit since then. I now caution against using any store bought cologne or perfume, and I haven't worn any myself in over 7 years.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) explains:

“When you see ‘fragrance’ on a personal care product's label, read it as ‘hidden chemicals.’ A major loophole in FDA's federal law lets manufacturers of products like perfume, shampoo, lotion, and body wash include nearly any ingredient in their products under the name ‘fragrance’ without actually listing the chemical.

Companies that manufacture personal care products are required by law to list the ingredients they use, but fragrances and trade-secret formulas are exempt.”

What exactly does this mean? It means that when you purchase a fragrance it could contain any number of toxic chemicals being used by the fragrance industry today. Why do manufactures use toxic chemicals? They can be made quickly and cheaply to maximize profit. Why doesnt the FDA exercise their right to regulate these toxic chemicals? We dont know. Until we speak louder in larger numbers its likely to continue on.

Have you ever gotten a headache because someone sitting next to you is doused in perfume? Or felt dizzy, nauseous, confused, or fatigued due to fragrances worn by a co-worker or family member? It’s likely you have a chemical sensitivity to fragrance, and it's more common than people think. So, anytime you wear a fragrance, you’re not only posing a health risk to yourself, but also potentially to anyone who will be exposed to the scent whether they like it or not.

SO, before you go thinking I’m a debbie downer, I’m here for FESTIVE FRIDAY to tell you about a wonderful toxin free way to create a perfume for yourself or someone you love...


Lets talk Essential Oil Perfumes! Remember how a certain scent reminds you of a happy memory or family member? Essential Oils have this wonderful ability to create these same cozy feelings that we can come back to over and over again. DIY perfumes with essential oils mean you can create your own individual scent. One that makes you feel beautiful, sexy, and fresh. Let’s not forget, there are manly man essential oils as well! Creating an Essential Perfume could not be easier. Just choose your favorite scent and roll it on! Of course you can take this to the next level by creating blends of oils if you choose to get creative. You can also buy fancy glass bottles to mix your Essential Perfumes in to make the perfect gift.

Giving an Essential Oil bottle as a perfume could not be be a simpler gift idea - all while being quite thoughtful. Its the heartfelt effort of searching out a healthy alternative to show you care for your loved one! It’s always a bonus when we discover that our Essential Perfumes are also providing us with therapeutic benefits as well as a lovely scent. If you’re looking to be crafty, but not too fancy, you can print out free labels that fit right onto your Essential Oil bottle HERE.

Of course I must share my very favorite Essential Scents with you! So here are my personal daily wears...

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  • Lavender + Grapefruit

  • Lavender + Lemon

  • Awaken + Orange + Stress Away

  • Joy + Lemon

I am a citrus girl. Makes me feel so fresh, and uplifted. I like to keep mine simple, always wearing a single oil or just a few that I particularly enjoy together. Not to mention, I am ALWAYS asked what lovely floral scents I am wearing! Take a peek at the Young Living Blog to find more information on the "art of blending oils". Grab some HEALTHY non toxic Essential Oil Perfumes HERE.

Whether it's Santa that you're asking or a loved one you're buying for, Essential Oils are the new way to perfume!