5 TIPS to getting your kids excited about healthy foods!


1. Lead by example - I always say this and if you've followed me for a while you're likely eye rolling going "ya ya I know this" but seriously mamas, eat ya Oreos in the closet after bedtime and eat your broccoli happily at the dinner table✌️ - kidding but not kidding, you get it, YOU are their greatest influence!

2. Let them CHOOSE - ok so within limits, let them make their own choices. Give them 5 healthy options and let them make their choice. This offers a sense of responsibility and empowerment✨

3. Give the #funfacts - while saying "carrots are healthy" is the truth, it's not FUN for kids. Instead tell them a fun food fact about the veggie they are being offered!

4. Give them Praise - kids need love and nothing speaks love better than telling your child you are proud of them. Maybe they didn't eat all of the veggies on their plate, heck maybe all they did was lick one but STILL give words of encouragement for even the smallest steps! "I'm really proud you learned about this new food and gave it a try" ♥️

5. The World/Food Connection - getting kids out into nature and explaining how their food choices affect the world around them makes an impact, even with small children we can begin to explain this in basic ways. Gardening for our littlest ones, or a lesson on water savings when choosing plant based foods for our school aged kids! They love to learn, keep it fun!
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