Citrus Summer Salad for the Kale Haters

This ones goin down in history as the salad that turned all the kale haters into kale LOVERS. Yep i said it. Its that serious, and i promise if you give this one a try you will be like Kale YEAH! ( i know that was corney HA )

Ok so before i break this down for you i want to make some very important points…

  1. My 4 year old loves this salad, as in gobbles it up and asks for more. So its a sure bet that your little ones will be fooled by its deliciousness as well.

  2. Kale has like a zillion health benefits which makes it a really good reason to get on this train.

Check em here:

Nutritional Benefits 

  • Kale Is Among The Most Nutrient-Dense Foods on The Planet

  • Kale Is Loaded With Powerful Antioxidants Like Quercetin and Kaempferol

  • It Is an Excellent Source of Vitamin C

  • Kale Can Help Lower Cholesterol, Which May Reduce The Risk of Heart Disease

  • There Are Numerous Cancer-Fighting Substances in Kale

  • Kale is incredibly fiberous and will keep your digestive tract clean and regular! (yes thats talk about your bowels, this means less bloating and more light weight healthy feels!)

I dont understand why people say hurtful things, like “want to go for a run?” or “want to try this kale?”

Ok so on we go to the recipe thats going to change your feelings about kale!

Lets watch this salad come together here shall we?

What you’ll need:

  • 2 cups roughly chopped kale

  • Juice of 1/2 lemon

  • 2 strawberries

  • 1/2 Avocado

  • A few slices of red onion

  • Salt + Pepper

  • Cayenne (optional)

  • Hemp Seed Hearts

  • Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds

Were going to start by washing our kale + strawberries with cold water and a veggie rinse, dont skip this step its important. Im all about eating veggies straight from the garden. A little dirt never hurt anyone but its a good idea to rinse your produce, especially if its not from your own backyard. We use Thieves Fruit and Veggie soak, love it, works great, smells delish - grab it here


After you have rinsed your kale, chop it roughly and add to a large salad bowl.

Dice up your strawberries + onion and set to the side.

Scoop out the avocado and add a top of the kale, were about to get saucey up in here….

Its time to massage the kale.

You know how you hate kale because you remember it as a decoration on salad bars? It was all tough and chewy, like who would ever eat that unless they were a rabbit? Well my friends, its all in the massage technique. Werk it. Were about to change your feelings on kale.

You thought we were missing something right? You read those ingredients and you were thinking, “but Danielle, wheres the dressing?”

The AVOCADO is the dressing! Yes i know astonishing. Wait for it.

Massage that avocado right into the kale. Werk it in good. About 10 seconds into this therapy sesh, i want you to add the lemon juice. This is going to allow the avocado to soak in and really soften the kale so it tastes more like salad and less like foliage.

Trust. in. me.

Now for a side note, if your a hot mess express like me….a sorta food blogger who often forgets ingredients…and you ran out of fresh lemons because your livin that #quarentinelife and you cant bring your 3 kids to the grocery store with you, i gotcha covered with a stellar back up that just may be even more delish than the fresh lemon juice.

In walked Tangerine Vitality, substitute 5 drops tangerine in place of the 1/2 of fresh lemon juice.

Prepare to be amazed with this quick swap. The vitality line will never disappoint in the kitchen.

Ok so were massagin, we are almost done, all in all this whole salad only takes 10mins to make, or less!

Your kale should be feelin good and ready after just 1 minute of massage.

Toss on your diced strawberries + chopped red onion.

Sprinkle in the hemp seed hearts + pumpkin seeds.

Just a dash of Salt,Peppa,Cayanne. Leave out the cayanne if spicy aint your thing, or if you intend to introduce this to your kids who are about to LOVE kale.

Your stunned at this point and you already BELIEVE in the kale because this LOOKS amazing.

Let your littles help you in the kitchen. This develops their interest in new foods. It may be messy but its worth it! We are attracted to colorful foods, its no surprise that this salad will grab their interest. Even if they dont take to kale on th…

Let your littles help you in the kitchen. This develops their interest in new foods. It may be messy but its worth it! We are attracted to colorful foods, its no surprise that this salad will grab their interest. Even if they dont take to kale on the first try, dont give up! It can take up to 15 times of viewing a new food before your child will consume it. Dont let this frustrate you, have patience, you got this mama!

If your a hardcore dressing person AND new to the plantlife, you can add a drizzle of balsamic vinegar which will jazz this shebang up a bit more. I recommend doing this if your going to serve this at a gathering. It will be loved by all!

This recipe serves 1 so be sure to double or triple it if your serving more than just yourself!

Some things to note:

  • This salad will not keep well in the fridge for more than a few hours. Avocado oxidizes quickly, its best to eat it fresh. Its a quick make so not a big deal!

  • Id go as far as to say, you COULD turn this into a dinner! Husbands dont like kale? They do now! Add some grilled portebellos, pasta, tofu, OR grilled chicken if you choose to consume animal protein.

  • The cool thing about kale is that its super fiberous which makes it very filling. You will feel satisfied without the bloating and discomfort we sometimes get from a filling meal.

  • You can also make it a side dish! Its a great way to introduce your family to Peter Rabbits favorite food!

All jokes aside, i hope you love this. I know you will!

Be sure to tag us when you make it! We want to see your face, no matter if its a #kalehater or a #kaleyeah

